Updated 2023 May 26
CelesTrak has switched to using primary sources, wherever available, for producing the Space Weather Data, to mitigate the introduction of errors and inconsistencies found in some secondary sources. Users should expect to see differences in the data as a result of these improvements.
In addition to the legacy fixed-field format, the data is now also available in CSV format, to facilitate easier input to spreadsheets and other tools which support this standard. The CSV and legacy fixed-field formats are described below.
Data used:
Geomagnetic data
Nowcast data
Contains: BSRN, ND, 3-hourly Kp, 3-hourly ap, and Ap.
Cp and C9 are calculated based on information originally available from http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~rhennin/ap.html and https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/modelweb/solar/ap.html (these links no longer work).
That information can now be found at:
Format documentation: Included in the header of the data.
Nowcast data for the current date is merged into the NOAA SWPC 45-day predictions below.
Updated: Current to the current date.
International Sunspot Number
Contains: ISN
Format documentation: https://www.sidc.be/SILSO/infosndtot (Daily), https://www.sidc.be/SILSO/eisninfo (Daily Estimated)
Updated: Current to within the past month.
10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7) data
Contains: F10.7Obs, F10.7Adj
Format documentation: https://www.spaceweather.gc.ca/forecast-prevision/solar-solaire/solarflux/sx-3-en.php
Updated: Current to current date.
3-Hourly Kp Predictions
Contains: 3-hourly forecast of daily Kp for the coming 3 days. The Kp data is used to calcuate the ap, Cp, and C9 data. It is used from the end of the GFZ nowcast and followed by the 45-day predictions below.
Updated: Every 3 hours
45-Day Predictions
Contains: 45-day forecast of daily ap and F10.7Adj. Kp is estimated from ap and F10.7Obs is calculated from F10.7Adj.
Updated: Daily
Monthly Sunspot Predictions
Contains: Monthly ISN for approximately 18.5 years. The 50th-percentile values are used.
Format documentation: https://www.nasa.gov/solar-cycle-progression-and-forecast/
Updated: Monthly
Monthly F10.7 Predictions
Contains: Monthly F10.7Adj for approximately 18.5 years. F10.7Obs is calculated from F10.7Adj. The 50th-percentile values are used.
Format documentation: https://www.nasa.gov/solar-cycle-progression-and-forecast/
Updated: Monthly
Additional documentation can be found at:
Penticton Solar Radio Flux Values
Geomagnetic Kp Index
Observed data is produced by combining Sources 1, 2, and 3 to the current date. Missing F10.7 values are estimated using linear interpolation (Q=4).
Daily predicted data (ap and F10.7Adj) is produced using Source 4. Kp, Cp, and C9 are estimated from ap. F10.7Obs values are calculated using F10.7Adj, adjusted to Earth orbital radius.
Monthly predicted data (F10.7Adj) is produced using Source 5. F10.7Obs values are calculated using F10.7Adj, adjusted to Earth orbital radius.
Missing values are left blank.
CSV Data Format:
DATE,BSRN,ND,KP1,KP2,KP3,KP4,KP5,KP6,KP7,KP8,KP_SUM,AP1,AP2,AP3,AP4,AP5,AP6,AP7,AP8,AP_AVG,CP,C9,ISN,F10.7_OBS,F10.7_ADJ,F10.7_DATA_TYPE,F10.7_OBS_CENTER81,F10.7_OBS_LAST81,F10.7_ADJ_CENTER81,F10.7_ADJ_LAST81 2000-01-01,2272,7,53,47,40,33,43,30,43,37,327,56,39,27,18,32,15,32,22,30,1.3,6,71,129.9,125.6,OBS,166.2,179.0,161.1,175.0
Field | Description |
DATE | Year-Month-Day (ISO 8601) |
BSRN | Bartels Solar Rotation Number. A sequence of 27-day intervals counted continuously from 1832 Feb 8. |
ND | Number of Day within the Bartels 27-day cycle (01-27). |
KP1 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0000-0300 UT. |
KP2 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0300-0600 UT. |
KP3 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0600-0900 UT. |
KP4 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0900-1200 UT. |
KP5 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1200-1500 UT. |
KP6 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1500-1800 UT. |
KP7 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1800-2100 UT. |
KP8 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 2100-0000 UT. |
KP_SUM | Sum of the 8 Kp indices for the day. Kp has values of 0o, 0+, 1-, 1o, 1+, 2-, 2o, 2+, ... , 8o, 8+, 9-, 9o, which are expressed in steps of one third unit. These values are multiplied by 10 and rounded to an integer value. |
AP1 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0000-0300 UT. |
AP2 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0300-0600 UT. |
AP3 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0600-0900 UT. |
AP4 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0900-1200 UT. |
AP5 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1200-1500 UT. |
AP6 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1500-1800 UT. |
AP7 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1800-2100 UT. |
AP8 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 2100-0000 UT. |
AP_AVG | Arithmetic average of the 8 Ap indices for the day. |
CP | Cp or Planetary Daily Character Figure. A qualitative estimate of overall level of magnetic activity for the day determined from the sum of the 8 Ap indices. Cp ranges, in steps of one-tenth, from 0 (quiet) to 2.5 (highly disturbed). |
C9 | C9. A conversion of the 0-to-2.5 range of the Cp index to one digit between 0 and 9. |
ISN | International Sunspot Number. Records contain the Zurich number through 1980 Dec 31 and the International Brussels number thereafter. |
F10.7_OBS | Observed 10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7). Measured at Ottawa at 1700 UT daily from 1947 Feb 14 until 1991 May 31 and measured at Penticton at 2000 UT from 1991 Jun 01 on. Expressed in units of 10-22 W/m2/Hz. |
F10.7_ADJ | 10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7) adjusted to 1 AU. |
F10.7_DATA_TYPE | Flux Qualifier. OBS: Observed flux measurement INT: CelesTrak linear interpolation of missing data PRD: 45-Day predicted flux PRM: Monthly predicted flux |
F10.7_OBS_CENTER81 | Centered 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (observed). |
F10.7_OBS_LAST81 | Last 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (observed). |
F10.7_ADJ_CENTER81 | Centered 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (adjusted). |
F10.7_ADJ_LAST81 | Last 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (adjusted). |
Legacy Data Format:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT(I4,I3,I3,I5,I3,8I3,I4,8I4,I4,F4.1,I2,I4,F6.1,I2,5F6.1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Column 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111 0000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999999990000000000111111111122222222223 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adj Adj Adj Obs Obs Obs yyyy mm dd BSRN ND Kp Kp Kp Kp Kp Kp Kp Kp Sum ap ap ap ap ap ap ap ap Avg Cp C9 ISN F10.7 Q Ctr81 Lst81 F10.7 Ctr81 Lst81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yyyy mm dd nnnn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn n.n n nnn nnn.n n nnn.n nnn.n nnn.n nnn.n nnn.n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 01 01 2272 7 53 47 40 33 43 30 43 37 327 56 39 27 18 32 15 32 22 30 1.3 6 71 125.6 0 161.1 175.0 129.9 166.2 179.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Columns | Description |
001-004 | Year |
006-007 | Month (01-12) |
009-010 | Day |
012-015 | Bartels Solar Rotation Number. A sequence of 27-day intervals counted continuously from 1832 Feb 8. |
017-018 | Number of Day within the Bartels 27-day cycle (01-27). |
020-021 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0000-0300 UT. |
023-024 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0300-0600 UT. |
026-027 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0600-0900 UT. |
029-030 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 0900-1200 UT. |
032-033 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1200-1500 UT. |
035-036 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1500-1800 UT. |
038-039 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 1800-2100 UT. |
041-042 | Planetary 3-hour Range Index (Kp) for 2100-0000 UT. |
044-046 | Sum of the 8 Kp indices for the day. Kp has values of 0o, 0+, 1-, 1o, 1+, 2-, 2o, 2+, ... , 8o, 8+, 9-, 9o, which are expressed in steps of one third unit. These values are multiplied by 10 and rounded to an integer value. |
048-050 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0000-0300 UT. |
052-054 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0300-0600 UT. |
056-058 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0600-0900 UT. |
060-062 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 0900-1200 UT. |
064-066 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1200-1500 UT. |
068-070 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1500-1800 UT. |
072-074 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 1800-2100 UT. |
076-078 | Planetary Equivalent Amplitude (Ap) for 2100-0000 UT. |
080-082 | Arithmetic average of the 8 Ap indices for the day. |
084-086 | Cp or Planetary Daily Character Figure. A qualitative estimate of overall level of magnetic activity for the day determined from the sum of the 8 Ap indices. Cp ranges, in steps of one-tenth, from 0 (quiet) to 2.5 (highly disturbed). |
088-088 | C9. A conversion of the 0-to-2.5 range of the Cp index to one digit between 0 and 9. |
090-092 | International Sunspot Number. Records contain the Zurich number through 1980 Dec 31 and the International Brussels number thereafter. |
094-098 | 10.7-cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7) Adjusted to 1 AU. Measured at Ottawa at 1700 UT daily from 1947 Feb 14 until 1991 May 31 and measured at Penticton at 2000 UT from 1991 Jun 01 on. Expressed in units of 10-22 W/m2/Hz. |
100-100 | Flux Qualifier. 0 indicates flux required no adjustment; 1 indicates flux required adjustment for burst in progress at time of measurement; 2 indicates a flux approximated by either interpolation or extrapolation; 3 indicates no observation; and 4 indicates CelesTrak interpolation of missing data. |
102-106 | Centered 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (adjusted). |
108-112 | Last 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (adjusted). |
114-118 | Observed (unadjusted) value of F10.7. |
120-124 | Centered 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (observed). |
126-130 | Last 81-day arithmetic average of F10.7 (observed). |
DATATYPE CssiSpaceWeather
Specifies the data format type for the file.
VERSION major.minor
Provides major and minor version of current data format.
UPDATED yyyy Mon dd hh:mm:ss UTC
Provides UTC date and time of current update.
Indicates number of records of data in the Observed Data section.
Marks beginning and end of the Observed Data section.
Indicates number of records of data in the Daily Predicted Data section.
Marks beginning and end of the Daily Predicted Data section.
Indicates number of records of data in the Monthly Predicted Data section.
Marks beginning and end of the Monthly Predicted Data section. Data is output for the first day of the month.